from the studio
INSIDE OUT St. Petersburg
I was so excited to be asked to participate in this very special project… which culminated in 300 large scale portraits wheat-pasted on this building (future location of The Factory in the Warehouse Arts District). This was the site of the Shine Mural Festival finale party on October 26th. Read more about the INSIDE OUT project here.
It was so cool to see the overwhelming support from the community. Hundreds of people came out to have their portraits taken by one of the four photographers involved (myself, Michelle Tannu, Rashad Hobson and Maria Flanagan), with several volunteers helping out behind the scenes… the most daunting task being wheat pasting all 300 posters to the exterior of the building. Two full days of hot and sweaty work. The finished work looks amazing!
I photographed 140 subjects over the course of 2 days at Mize Gallery.